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Read my journey,Feel my soul
You can talk about me,cos' I'm a HOT topic


The name is Elaine Heng Siow Teng.
Well,I'm sweet 18.
Birthday:28th of May 1992.
Currently stay in Kepong,KL.
Interest will always be fashion.
I'm friendly,so just TALK to me.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


Xiiao Tiing-Elaine Heng

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Blackberry Bold 9000
Iphone 4G
Sony TX7 digital cam
Sony VAIO laptop
Honda City
Be slimmer

Chatwith me♥


Meet the Group 1♥

Choong Seng♥


Meet the Group 2♥





Kiss The Rain by Yiruma

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Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

August 2010
September 2010



Layout Designer:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hi, I think it’s has been a week since I did not update my blog assignment. Well, recently I’m pretty busy. I bet everyone of you do, right? My mood is emotional right now, nope, I should said within these few days. So, I’m here to blog a lil’ bit, to loosen up and to express my feelings as bloggin’ is always my first interest. Honestly, I think this assignment do suit me 1000%! Believe it or not?
Hmmmm, why I’m so effing e.m.o?  Hang on, be patient, all you need to is just scroll down and read through my stories.

Alright, I’m having my mid-term exam.  Just finished the Mass Communication’s and Information Technology’s paper as well. I will, I promise, I will study for Fundamental Management after posting this.  To be frank, the papers are easy,  just I did not make enough effort for it. I will, for the next coming 2 subjects. Fortunately there’s no any lecture or tutorial during exam period, otherwise, Imma kill myself. Joking!
Next, this is a lil’ personal about me, but I just want to share, it’s about my relationship. Well, I have a boyfriend, obviously, everyone know. Today is our 4 months anniversary. He is a good guy, he adores me a lot, pampers me, protects me and he never throw temper to me , bully me, scold me or blame me, even my mum quite likes him! We never argued before. I do appreciate this relationship. 

 But, someone has appeared. He is my ex-boyfriend, kind of important person of mine. We’ve lost contact since 4 years ago but since few days ago, we continue to keep in touch. I found out that I still have a very strong feeling to him, and he has the same feel too.
The trip to Genting has brought us back together. I went with his BMW 5 series, it’s kinda attractive, isn’t? But no! The feel is just no different compared to 4 years ago, when he’s still driving a Proton Wira.

 This is how my relationship goes complicated and how I get busier. He was supposed to have a girlfriend too, the girl who scrambled him from me 4 years ago. But today, they have broken up. Not to say because of me, NO! Therefore, my schedule for this few weeks has become to go college in the morning, rush for assignments and revision after that, accompany my boyfriend for dinner and meet up my so-call boyfriend at night until midnight then back home to study before I get to bed.
Recently, I’m not getting enough rest but no worries, I still manage to maintain energetic all the time. It’s ok, I’m only 18 years old, I’m still young, that’s what I always tell myself.

However, I knew that I’m doing such a ridiculous thing, you can say I’m a bitch. As I mentioned the title above, you can talk about me. The so-call boyfriend accepted my boyfriend, but my boyfriend did not even know about a single thing of him. I feel so sorry and unfair to them,both! But what can I do? I’m having 2 boyfriends at the same time. Imagine if you’re in my shoes.
Despite the feeling of emotional, I feel happiness. Thank you LORD for everything and every single person around me, they’re just absolutely perfect! I have my lovely parents, they adore me and they always respect decisions that I’ve made.  They give me the perfect and luxurious life, even a Honda City that majority of people do not think it’s suitable for me, a young girl. I have the one who loves me and the one who I love. Nevertheless, all my dear friends, they care about me and support me all the time.
I’ve got such perfect life, while perhaps others they don’t. Things in my life just go steady without any worries. I’m extremely lucky girl, Yes I am. I should be glad, I should appreciate everything. I’ll try learn to be perfect as things surrounded me, they’re just perfectly perfect!
Don’t worry, don’t drop your tears, don’t be scared.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"
By Sydney J.Harris

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
By Albert Einstein

 Just to say, BE HAPPY !

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
9:30 PM

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alright, another post to blog for the tiltle “Tips on anything”. Well, I have done the first tips on hair colouring at home. The inspiration was from my dear mum when we shop for the hair colouring products. Next, let’s see. Since I have to attend a dinner later, I’ll put on a lil’ heavy make up. So I’ll just do tips on MAKE UP!         
Every girls in the world do love make up, am I right? For me, make up is the ever easiest, interesting and fun thing to learn. I always learned from magazines, bloggers, forums, youtube and so on.
Let’s get the make up tutorial started! P/s: For the tools needed, I’ll mention step by step.

First of all, clean up your face, cleanser or a mask will do. 
This step helps you to look fresh and brighter complexion.
My mum bought tons of masks.
 As for me, I’d always love to take milk ones, it locks waters.

Milk, I'm loving it.

Next, apply foundation. You may choose among mousse, liquid or powder foundation, it depends on your own skin type. You can pick different tones too! But if you really have a terrible skin type, use all! I’m using both Shu uemura and Loreal fluid foundation. 

Apply dots on your face.Do dab, do not rub to avoid causing damage of your skin and to prevent wrinkles.
Make the foundation look natural.

For those who has eye bags, black eyes circle, pimples or whatever shit that you wanna hide, try concealer! 
P/s: This is not a necessary, I skip it sometimes.

Then, apply highlighter or sparkling powder on your forehead and nose bone, that we usually call it “T-part”. Do not forget the eye bone too!
I'm using Elianto's sparkling magic powder,it blinks!

What’s next? Draw upper and lower eyeliner. As for beginner, use eyeliner pencil as it’s easier to learn compare to eyeliner liquid or eyeliner gel. Make your eyeliner soft, otherwise you’ll look fierce with bold line.
MAC, Elianto and Kate.
Basically, casual make up is done. You can put on this make up to college, to work or to date. 
Yes, this is a casual make up.

Anyway, if you are crushing for sexy and charming eyes, just scroll down.
A few more steps to go, get your eye shadow prepared. I’ll be doing smokey eyes, so your eye shadow should be consists of these colours which are shiny white, silver black, grey black and pure black

Use the silver black colour, blend it gentlely with brush on top of the eyeliner.
Do not mess with the eyeliner.

Besides that, mascara is a important tool though. Sexy eyes comes from long and curve eye lashes, did you know that? Well, currently I'm using Tsuya. Oh yea, get a water proof mascara bacause it can last longer than others normal ones.

For us Asians especially female, our eyes lashes hardly grow rich compare to others. If you expect for a better effect, try fake eye lashes, why not? You just have to apply glue, stick it on the eyeliner and adjust it.
Cheap products will do due to fake eye lashes do not last long.

Taaa Daaa, look at the eye lashes after extended.

Lastly, use lip gloss if you wish to but better not try sharp colours like red or pink because you wont like yourself to become like a clown. Naked colours are orange, transparent or yellow will make sense with smokey eyes.

After all, my make up session is done. Let's cam-whore!

Girls, what do you think? Leave your comments and share your make up experience with me so that we could improve the skills to achieve professional.

Guys, I know that you feel absolutely boring reading this post. But anyway, thanks because you read until the end still. Try to feel how girls feel when making up, try not to complain your girlfriends when they spent time on make up,try not to criticize even you dont think the make up is nice or it suit them neither. At the very least, we girls did put on effort to look pretty, right?

Wow, usually I use half an hour to put on make up. But today, it takes me one and a half hour to make up and get this post done. Awesome? I really hope you all will like this post.

If this is Facebook, I would say : Click "like"

L I K E !

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
10:52 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hey peeps, again I’m back. Today is Thursday, and Thursday is no-school day, yeah! Since today is a Public Holiday, hence the mum and I went shopping at Midvalley Megamall.
Oops, I think my hair is ugly indeed because the black colour baby hair has grown up from the root. 
The roots make my hair ugly.

Therefore, I told the mum that I wanna dye hair. We both went into the Sasa shop and bought the Kao Liese Bubble Hair Colour. It is a new type of permanent hair color that uses foam. FYI, this is product from Japan. Highly recommend from Japan and Taiwan so here I recommend to ya all. The cost is only RM37+, it’s considered cheap enough compared to saloon that costs 100-200 bulks. And, it’s easy and quick! For those who intended to dye hair at home, try this! Wonder how easy it goes? Check this post out! I’m really excited to share my first ever self hair dye experience!
As for this product, there are 10 trendy colours to choose which consist of Sweet Pink, Cassis Berry, Mocha Orange, Chiffon Beige, Ash Brown, Milk Tea Brown, Marshmellow Brown, Glossy Brown, Chestnut Brown and Dark Chocolate.
I’ve decided to choose this Glossy Brown.

I wanted to try the Cassis Berry too, perhaps few months later, after the current colour has faded.

Alright, it’s hair colouring session, ready? First of all, get your tools prepared. Items included in the box are 2 solutions, foamer cap, nourishing hair lotion, instruction for use and gloves. Get other items you needed, for instance a mirror, tissue paper and so on.

Secondly, change into clothing you don’t mind staining, a black tee as well.
 Next, mix the solution 1 and solution 2(developer). Note, use the mixture immediately. Replace the bottle sealer with the foamer cap. Following, apply a generous amount of foam to your hair. Dispense foam on your hand by gently squeezing the bottle. Make sure your hair is dry in order to get a better colour effect. Then, massage until your hair is completely covered. Do ensure you cover the back and inner layers too! Lastly, leave it on approximately 20-30 minutes.
Imagine my hair is waist length long.

The mixture dosen’t smell good, bet it’s the devil ammonia that smell like shit, seriously. For your hair colour’s sake, gotta bear with it. Just a half an hour, just a blink of eyes.
The smell makes me vomit.

After that, rinse off well then apply shampoo and conditioner to your hair. Dry hair thoroughly.
Finally, hair colour is done! 

Oh yea, I skipped the skin allergy test procedure as I think this step is a lil’ troublesome as well as not necessary and I’m regret now! Irritation has occurred during the whole session due to the cuts on my hair scalp. It’s painful, itchy, awful and what-ever unpleasant description you may use. So, do it!
Here’s some important notes to share with you guys as I’ve dye my hair for idk how many times since I was in form 3.
1.       Perform a skin allergy test before each use.
2.       Avoid contact with eyes.
3.       Do not rub strongly to avoid damage if your skin has been stained.
4.       Comb your hair before to avoid tangling.
5.       Take care not to rub scalp too hard.

It's easy, quick and fun to do hair colouring at home! Dear friends, wanna try? No doubt, just move on! Expecting to see new colours on different you! Ciaoz =D

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
6:46 AM

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ooopsss,Today is Friday. Well, I know I gotta blog but, but, the title for this week is absolutely tough, argghhh! It’s Hari Raya. Seriously, my brain turns to empty, I have no idea at all what to blog, so sorrryyyyy.

I have nothing to do with the Hari Raya but I do enjoy the one week Raya’s break, yeah! Dr. Ben, Mr. Winston and all my fellow friends, so how ya all doing? Do enjoy the holidays because after that we’ll have a tough time, fight for EXAM!   

Well well well, Hari Raya..let’s talk bout it..I really had a thought that I wanna give up this post, I meant it!  I need some inspiration, so I did survey from a few of my dear Malay friends in order to get myself some ideas.

Here’s the question: What do you think when you think of Hari Raya Aidilfitri? What do you do on Hari Raya?

“ I feel like to be winner of the day because the month of fasting will be end and I’m really excited to celebrate with my beloved family. I feel noble too because we will forget and forgive each other. “
Siti Nur Azura (Celcom colleague)

“ I feel joyful to celebrate and gather with all the family members at hometown. By the way, I can wear baju baru and eat lemang, it’s extremely delicious! “
Yuseri Bin Yusoff (Celcom colleague)

“ Definitely not without baju baru, kuih-muih and lemang! In the morning, our family will gather at cemetery to supplicate our great grandparents or those who has passed away. At the night, we also play fireworks and lights up pelita(lamp) in our house area.”
Sharifa Safiah (Celcom colleague)

“ Hari Raya is meaningless for me without my family here, they have emigrated to Australia and I’m all alone here. “
Hani Soraya Abdul Halim (Celcom colleague)  

Sources from website: For all the Muslim, they celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri a.k.a Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Fitrah at the 1 Syawal of Hijrah year. Well the signature for this festival is….*drum rolls*
K e t u p a t ! 

Ketupat a.k.a packed rice is a type of dumpling made by Malays. It is made from rice that has been wrapped in a woven palm leaf pouch and boiled. Ketupat is usually eaten with rendang or served as an accompaniment to satay or gado-gado.

What else huh?

 Rendang (a type of curry meat dishes)

Lemang (made of glutinous rice and coconut milk
and cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves)

Lontong (compressed rice that cut into small cakes)

Dendeng (daging bercili)

For Malays, balik kampung (back to hometown) during this festival seem to be a compulsory to do.

P/s: I hereby share a video to you, it's a Chinese version of the song "Balik Kampung" 
by Mr.Siao, a comedy series *LMAO*


In the morning of the day, Malays will gather at the cemetery of their great grandparents or family members who passed away in order to supplicate and pray for them. Then, they will visit to relatives houses for a “forget and forgive” session where they asked forgiveness for the wrong that they have done. Besides that, duit raya is also given to children in a green or yellow packet. At sometimes, small gifts are given too.

Alright, question mark has finally disappeared in my mind. Now I understand that Hari Raya is actually no different with Chinese New Year. We gather with family at hometown, we wear new clothes, new shoes, we cook delicious food, we receive “angpau” and a lot of similarity. I started to feel how happy, how excited they are. But how sad,  I couldn’t join. This is the reality of society when Malays are celebrating, Chinese have to work. Hopefully I will have the chance in the future, next year perhaps.

Finally finish craps at 630 words. Before signing off, once again, 
Selamat Hari Raya to all of you!

Have a nice day!

P/s: My colleague-Hani maybe bringing ketupat for me later. Imma update some pics later. See ya!

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
2:47 AM

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Seriously, I have no idea what to blog about this Hari Raya..

Forgive me, I need some time.
The outcome will be coming before the holidays end.

Stay tuned guys.

Gotta brainstorm,ciaozzz =D

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
1:56 AM

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hohoho, here’s the second post for the title, colors of Malaysia. Alright, last post I’ve mentioned of races, festivals, and food. Today, right now, I’m gonna talk about… Guess what?


Places !!!!!

We’re all live in Malaysia. Malaysia is a tropical country famous with hot weather, multiracial culture, beautiful beaches, rain forest, and flora and fauna. Cities, beaches & islands, hills & highlands, national parks, lakes and Malaysia states. But actually how many places do you really know?  Or, how many places have you been to?

 Malaysia with its 13 states, namely Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak along with the three Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan, offers a never-ending discovery of a country that truly captures the essence of Asia.
Map of Malaysia

Well, I’m that type of person who doesn’t like to stay at home. I love to hang out. I hereby intro some nice places for you guys where I have been before.

First of all and all, I would like to introduce our capital, Kuala Lumpur. The most interested place is located at Golden Triangle as known as KL’s commercial, shopping and entertainment hub. Girls, look out! The best malls for you girls shopping, Sungei Wang Plaza (The place where I’m working), Bukit Bintang Plaza, Lot 10, Low Yat Plaza, Berjaya Times Square, Paviliion, Suria KLCC, Chinatown and more! You can get the most fashionable dress, clothes, handbags, high heels, accessories and other entertainment activities as well as movie theater, karaoke, café, western cuisine, international cuisine. 
Sungei Wang, BB Plaza, Lot 10 and Low Yat.
KLCC, Pavillion, Times Square.

Next, knock off to hills and highlands. Genting Highlands, I’d bet every one of you have been there before and quite frequent, right? It is sometimes informally known as the Las Vegas of Malaysia, dubbed the "City of Entertainment" as it has the only legal land-based casino. I often go Genting too, just intend to loosen up, enjoy fresh and cool air.
Went to Genting Theme Park with buddies.
Cam-whored at night,I love Genting!

Following is Berjaya Hills, formerly known as Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. It is located at 1,000 meters above sea-level, you can enjoy fresh air by just a 45 minutes drive away from KL. The attractions are Rabbit Park, Japanese Tea Garden, Colmar Tropicale and French Dining Restaurants.
Feeding rabbits,they're effing cute!
Me and my boyf@Japanese Village.
Colmar, French design.
Top of Colmar.Can see all thouse special design.

Another attraction place located in Shah Alam, Selangor is I-city as known as the city of digital lights. It is recognised at the first lightscape tourism destination in Malaysia with state-of- the-art LED technology showcase.  The entry is free but you would need to pay a RM5 of parking fee. Do bring a camera to capture the wonderful and majestic light displays. It is truly magical!  
New Year decoration.
Christmas decoration.
Christmas Tree!
Omg, huge cactus!
Panda *huggies*
See,all the lights are making the trees amazing!

 Alright, now we’ll go a lil’ far away from KL, let’s head to Melaka, dubbed the historical state in M’sia. Well, we studied history of Red House and I believe majority of you have been to the historical places there thus I will skip it. I would introduce a new place for holidays in Malacca Town which is A’ famosa. You can find water park, cowboy town, golf course, animal world. 
Enjoy water splash at the water theme park!

At the cowboy town, you can enjoy 4D movies, carnival, theme park, archery, Red-indian shows and more. 
Red-indians show

Besides that, you will gain a chance to feed animals such as elephants, camel, snakes, horse, goat and so on.
Elephants,they're huge and stink too!

 There’s still a lot of places I would like to share with you guys. But unfortunately, I reached more than 500 words at this moment. So I think I gotta stop here.

See, M’sia is absolutely cool enough for us to travel around, we need not to spend that unnecessary expenses to travel aboard. Dear friends, spend more time in your lovely country, she’s beautiful and colourful indeed. We shall have the chance to travel together!

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
1:16 AM