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Read my journey,Feel my soul
You can talk about me,cos' I'm a HOT topic


The name is Elaine Heng Siow Teng.
Well,I'm sweet 18.
Birthday:28th of May 1992.
Currently stay in Kepong,KL.
Interest will always be fashion.
I'm friendly,so just TALK to me.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


Xiiao Tiing-Elaine Heng

Create Your Badge



Blackberry Bold 9000
Iphone 4G
Sony TX7 digital cam
Sony VAIO laptop
Honda City
Be slimmer

Chatwith me♥


Meet the Group 1♥

Choong Seng♥


Meet the Group 2♥





Kiss The Rain by Yiruma

Create a playlist at MixPod.com


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

August 2010
September 2010



Layout Designer:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey peeps,
Just celebrated National Day last night.
Wondering how was my countdown celebration going?

Stay tuned!
Next entry - Colors of Malaysi
Malaysia,happy 53th birthday !!
Happy Merdeka !!

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
1:46 AM

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hohooho, here’s the second post. Let time flies back to a month ago.* fleeeeeewww * 

Well,  after the Taylor’s open day,  came to the  orientation week. Wow, I was so expectable, can’t even wait a second to meet up new friends. On the first day of the orientation week, I reached campus at 9 o’clock early in the morning. I saw everyone with their bunch of friends chatting and laughing joyfully but I’m just all alone. The feeling was just kind of upset. But I tried to tell myself to be calmed. * sob *
Oh yea, gotta share a joke with you guys, I just followed peoples to queue up in the hall and after a long queue only I realized that that queue is for Hospitality students while for Communication school, there are no one queuing there. * Embarrassed *

Briefly go through the day. Spent 3 hours for the introduction and speech given by our dean. Following is an hour break time. I was starved since the morning so I wanted to have a brunch so badly but this idea just fade away when I looked into the food court, it’s crowded like during new year eve countdown celebration. * LOL *
The result is : Yes, I ran away from campus, back to home, my sweet home. And, not only escaped for the first day, but I escaped for the whole orientation week. * Claps X 10 *

Honestly, I was thinking that I wanna waste the RM 10k that daddy paid for college fees, just because I'm scared to go college indeed. I've no friends there, and I feel absolutely lonely there! I just couldn't stand the loneliness for the second time, big NO! Gosh, I’m such a failure. But as time goes by, it’s already the second week of schooling. I forced myself must to go college.

It’s was a pretty bright Monday, I went into the class. It was Ms. Sureka’s IIT class but the class was cancelled yet I did not notice. I do not even know anyone in the class. I was fucking nervous,  sitting alone in the classroom for 2 hours long. This is such a waste of time! I nearly pour my tears. Finally, I talked to him- Choong Seng who is my very first friend in college. I did not expect that my first friend will be a guy, I always thought that Imma get to know a girl at first. Weird huh?What-ever, as long as I've got a friend, at least I can ask someone regarding my doubts. * Wink *

Therefore, I got to know Mitchell, Calvin, Benjamin, Terry, Terrance and more. Holy! They are all guys. I’m definitely 100% a girl but I have no idea why I always mix with guys. I’d thought girls never like me. But, Mitchell has brought me to meet up Mariah, Amalina and Cheryl .
Girls,Us =D

So far, I can communicate with all of my classmates. * Champagnes, Cheers! *
Cheryl, me and Mitch

Thanks the pgotographer,Calvin

 As I’ve mentioned in the previous post, we often hang out at Sunway Pyramid during break time. Cos' it's near to campus. * Evil smile, hehehes *
The very first time we hung out together.

Seriously, I am so touched because they would always accompany me to chill at Starbucks just because I love Starbucks. When I was still new, they always guide me and stay with me. 
Guess what?

We made the same tattoo,no worries,it's a fake one.

At this moment, I’m no longer afraid to go to college. 
P/s: I'm absolutely tired writing this post. Today only I realized that I have to use the whole week to complete my 2 posts per week task because I use 3 days long just for a post! Wanna know the reason? Well, first day to think and draft, second day to hit target as 500 words and the last day to upload pictures, edit html, edit colours etc and publish to my blog.Gosh! This is not my real blog, I was used to blog without thinking,
In classroom,why do I look so bored?

Once again, really thanks to all my dearest friends, I wouldn't imagine my college lifey without you guys. So promise me, stay with me for 2 years long.

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
6:37 AM

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hey peeps, I’m here to blog. Let’s get my first assignment post started!
* 1, 2, 3, Go! *

Alright, let’s talk about my college life .As you know, It has been a month since I be a part of Taylor’s Lakeside Campus. I have made a 360 degrees change from working life to a college life. Everything seems so brand new to me and I feel aroused to explore all of it. 
Took this picture while raining.

 My real college life is happening and I somewhat still can’t believe it. Forgive me, I’m a slow-type.
My student-ID

First of all, I drive my Honda City all the way from Kepong to Sunway using LDP highway every single day .Well, it takes me approximately 15 minutes if without traffic jam.
On the way to campus.

And what if I drive during jam hours? For examples, 8 o’ clock in the morning. I would stuck in the traffic jam for more than an hour.LOL,this is Malaysia* shakes head *
In addition, the next problem that I face in campus is NO PARKING LOTS! You know what, sometimes I reached campus early but I was late enter to class just because I have to find a parking/walk all the way from parking to Block A then to Block E. Kind of annoying, arrghhh! 
Take a look,the parking is FULL.

Oh yea,I’m currently taking Diploma in Mass Communication and I’m looking towards Public Relation as my future career.Of course, I’ve met my lecturers. They are Dr.Benedict a.k.a lecturer of Creative Communication Mr.Winston a.k.a lecturer of Fundamental Management, Ms.Karmini a.k.a lecturer of Mass Comm and Ms.Sureka a.k.a lecturer of IT. They are friendly and their class ain’t boring at all.I do enjoy their classes as well. *Wink*
Besides that, my friend and I often go to the cafeteria while having break-time. I love the mashed potato the most. It costs only 4 ringgit for 3 scoops. 
Better taste than KFC ones.

Sometimes I also order sandwiches, nasi lemak, fried rice and etc. The foods are cheap indeed and not bad to eat, even outside food can’t be compared. Just the fried rice is a little too salty.
Benjamin said the fries look like still frozen.

Well, Subway is opening in campus .Wow, this is awesome! But so far, I do not have enough time to try it. Never mind, still a long way to go, I shall have the chance. Somehow I heard that Starbucks coffee, Mc’Donalds and Wong Kok is opening soon. This is such a great news to me as they are all my favorites ! So I need not to drive to Sunway Pyramid and pay RM1.50 for parking fee just to get a Starbucks during break time. Besides that, Wong Kok is a very famous Hong Kong Restaurant and I just fall for the cheese baked rice so badly. Hmmm, I also miss the Fillet O’ fish. * Saliva drooling *
Peeps,love all this not?
 To be frank, college life is absolutely different with high school. The very first thing is we need not to wear uniform everyday .I was imagined that I can dress up colourful to college but lastly I have given up. For seriously, I have to brain-storm at least 10 minutes on what to wear before I went to college. This is killing me. I’m intended to buy 2 extra Taylor’s tee so I can save up more time and energy. * claps *
The next thing is we only have a few hours classes per day and 4 days per week. I think the first semester is relax and enjoyable. Anyhow,  I will have 1-2 hours break time to chill with my classmates. * claps X 2 *
Found that my campus is really interesting? Exactly! Even when I share with my friends who they’re in other college, they just envy me a lot. And they’re regret too! * Teehee *

Lastly,I would like to shout out loud that I love my college LIFE !

And guess what?Next post coming
-My dearest classmates

I think that's all for today.It's Thursday and Thursday is no-class-day.
So I'm going out to catch out movies in cinema.See you !

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
5:19 AM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello peeps,Welcome to my second blog !

Well,I have my own blog in fact and I've been an efficient blogger for more than 3 years,I think..Here I am to create my second blog site ! Alright, my Creative Communication and Portfolio Development (CCPD ) lecturer a.k.a Dr.Benedict has informed us regarding our first assignment during the previous Lecture class.And,guess what? The assignment task is to BLOG !

I think , Therefore I blog .

 Wow,I was like super shocked and I think I can do it well as blogging is also considered as one of my hobby ! Hmmmm,actually,it’s a part of my lifey.

The other thing which I’m pretty worry about is I was used to blog with internet-slang and some languages that I’ve created by myself.In this blog,I’m clear that I have to use proper English and grammars. Therefore, I must get rid of the internet slang that I’ve used to it.Eg : lol,lmao,rofl,wtf,omg,fml and etc.

This is some kind of different,something new for me to try.I will do my best!

I will start the real blog post latest by tomorrow. Expectable?  Chill ~

See you guys tomorrow ! =)

Posted by Elaine Heng,baby♥
5:17 AM